Thursday, May 30, 2019


How long does it take to blog?  Shouldn't be that long. The overall purpose here is supposed to be reflection on my own life.  What is hard about that? What have I been doing and thinking? Write that down. Done!

But it can get more complicated than that.  When I first joined Twitter, I was urged to just write down what happens.  Note: that advice omits thoughts and impressions. Sidney Harris wrote a New Yorker cartoon that sums up the triviality of much of everyday life in this cartoon:

Reports of our lives can be too trivial.  I took a breath. I took another breath. I took another breath.  You get the idea. Enough, already!

This morning, I found out people are busy.  The weather is nice. Re-coat the blacktop driveway.  Get the other eye done for cataracts. Take a short bike ride.  Glaze some more pottery for the upcoming show.

I could plead insufficient excitement for a blog post but that would be copping out, giving up.  I could try a little artificial excitement. Boo! How's that?

My niece used to assert that nothin's happenin'.  Of course, dozens of things are happening all the time.  I notice several columns and professional writers aim for the future if needed: Click here for what the European election results will mean over the next few years.  No, click HERE for what the Mueller statement will mean in the next election. But, see, like them, I don't know. I just don't know.