Friday, May 24, 2019

Ebullient, bouyant, jaunty

As an idea or theme for the next blog post comes to mind during the day, I make a note.  Rather than get too many notes, I limit myself to five. Once I have five, I make myself choose one.  I find that I can usually find something worth 200-300 words or more on a theme. I probably have gotten better at judging a theme worth writing on since I began in 2008.  

Last week, I cut the grass for the first time this year.  I had to stay alert to the weather forecast to pick a day that wasn't raining.  Last week, that was Wednesday but this week, Thursday seemed a better bet. Being ready to cut the grass today probably attuned me more than usual to the weather.  We took a short bike ride this morning and the wind was definitely cold but the weather was beautiful.

The fact that trees all over are in beautiful bloom added to everything being fine and double fine.  I had Mozart's symphony #20 playing, composed when he was 16. I am five times that age and I haven't composed any symphonies!  But the sunlight, the blue sky (grayed over when I took this picture and the music combined to make me exuberant. Listen to it yourself:

I am too old, too wise, too wrinkled, too sophisticated to be exuberant.  But I was. I was in the grip of exuberance and I knew it. What is exuberance?




adjective: exuberant

  1. filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement.
    "giddily exuberant crowds"

  1. synonyms:

  • ebullient, buoyant, cheerful, sunny, breezy, jaunty, lighthearted, in high spirits, high-spirited, exhilarated, excited, elated, exultant, euphoric, joyful, cheery, merry, jubilant, sparkling, effervescent, vivacious, enthusiastic, irrepressible, energetic, animated, full of life, lively, vigorous, zestful; More

  • informalbubbly, bouncy, peppy, zingy, upbeat, chipper, chirpy, smiley, sparky, full of beans;

  • informalpeart;

  • informalturnt;

  • datedgay;

  • literarygladsome, blithe, blithesome;

  • archaicas merry as a grig, of good cheer

  • "exuberant groups of guests were dancing on the terrace"

  • growing luxuriantly or profusely.
    "exuberant foliage"

    • synonyms:

  • luxuriant, lush, rich, abundant, abounding, superabundant, profuse, copious, plentiful, riotous, prolific, teeming, flourishing, thriving, vigorous; More

  • dense, thick, rank, rampant, overgrown, jungle-like;

  • verdant, green;

  • informaljungly

  • "an exuberant coating of mosses"


late Middle English (in the sense 'overflowing, abounding'): from French exubérant, from Latin exuberant- 'being abundantly fruitful', from the verb exuberare (based on uber 'fertile').