Undergraduate science majors and other activities
Some of our days are quite busy. Yesterday was a good example. Morning run, morning walk. They are usually done by 9:15. By ten, it is time for some event or other. Yesterday, it is was a tour of the new Chemistry-Biology Building on the campus of the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point.
The tour was impressive, to say the least. For several people, it was depressing. The interior radiates energy, careful investigation and the mastery of quite advanced methods and equipment. Some people in our touring group were fascinated and inclined to begin their lives all over again, this time earning a double major in chemistry and biology. But a moment's thought brought realizations that they were all ready too old. There wasn't enough time left in life to do that. All these wonders of understanding and insight were not a possibility for them.
We saw a living virus, a type that preys on the famous E. coli bacterium. It was shown on a projection microscope that was using a magnification of 400,000 times! No wonder people have trouble believing in microscopic life.
The tour was about 2 hours of standing, looking and listening. We came home for lunch and were quite tired. After lunch, we went to the elementary school where one of our greatgranddaughters is a student. The 4th grade held an ethic fair where each participant had a small tabletop display relating to a foreign country that some of their ancestors came from. Our girl had studied Poland, the country where many of her ancestors came from. We talked to a student who had immigrated from China and one from Laos. Many countries were represented.
Lynn is a member of the artists cooperative Gallery Q and they had a reception yesterday. Many enthusiastic people came looked over the work, featuring a wildlife artist who is also a retired natural resources professor. We ate dinner in a local restaurant and returned to the gallery to help clean up.
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