Saturday, May 4, 2019

What do we want?

We stream using Roku.  We watch Netflix mostly but we get many good shows from Acorn (nearly 100% British, including Australian) and what is now titled "Prime Video" but is Amazon TV.  I paid to watch "Greenbook" but Lynn didn't like it. We alternate shows between nights so 48 hours after paying, I found that Amazon gives me only 24 hours to finish a movie once I begin it.  I didn't want to pay again. Looking around, I noticed "Book Club". We watched "The Jane Austen Book Club" and I had confused the two. Then, I noticed that "Book Club" is about an all-woman group that takes up the E.L. James books about Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.  

As a male, I interested in my own drives and in those of that other gender.  As an elder, I am interested in the trajectory of desire. Basically, I have tolerated the company of other males, mostly comparing myself to them, their achievements, their opinions and experiences.  However, from about 4 or 5 years of age, I have been much more aware of females and their allure. I have heard from at least a couple of women an expression of curiosity as to when they can expect less interest in women from men.  They say things like "I thought by this age, interest in women would have ceased."

I thought "Book Club" was very well done.  I admired the flirting and charming abilities of the men: Don Johnson, Andy Garcia and Richard Dreyfus.  I imagine that the writers Bill Holderman and Erin Simms were mostly responsible for what happened and what was said but I realize that the director Holderman and the interpretation and enactment by the actors also contribute much to the experience of the viewer.  

What is surprising to someone who has read the first three volumes of the series is that an adult movie in good taste and doing a good job of depicting sex and attraction between older adults has so little physical sex and none of the bondage the books are famous for.  I suspect that the idea of complete control and deep submission is more attractive in the imagination.