Friday, March 22, 2019

Same old thing

Let's start with a math-ish fact.  It is the same one that Heraclitus referred

to when he made his famous remark that "You can't step into the same river twice."  You know what he meant: the river now is not the river then. The waters are different waters.  I bet you wish you had said that.

Ok, in a way, he wasn't alone.  He said that around 500 BC but the Buddha was onto the same thing.  We sometimes hear that the Buddha said, "Everything changes." Or, we hear "Nothing lasts" or we hear "This, too, shall pass."  But this means what you always thought: Each morning is a brand new day. You may seem the same as you were yesterday but you are a little different.

We can actually go beyond mornings: each moment is a new one.  You are a bit different that when you began reading this post. Now, we start getting into judgments.  You and the river and the morning are a little different, ok, BUT there are only little differences and they aren't important.  Well, maybe. Maybe this is the morning you agreed to meet for breakfast. Maybe the river is a little cleaner or maybe a little higher, what with spring melt and all.  What is important, like everything else, can change. The day doesn't seem important but then, later, you realize this was the first day you tried out that new app, the one that led to your new friendship.

You may feel that this day, your stuff, your life is the same old thing.  Feel again. Think again. Look again. There are things happening that are exciting, fun, scary, one of a kind.  Aren't those books due? Is today payday? Does the car need an oil change?

As I wrote back in 2016,

Our friends have a plaque on their door that says on this spot in 1864, nothing happened.  Today might be the anniversary of nothing happening. Can you remember that day when nothing happened?  No, of course not. Something happened every day, every morning, every evening, every night.

Whew! Just thinking about all that can be tiring.  Maybe you need to sit down. Just sit and savor this special moment: it's new, it's unique and it isn't going to last.  Grab it now and taste it.