Wednesday, March 20, 2019


We took our first walk outside in a long time today.  Of course, as it gets warmer, doing that will be less of a novelty, but today's walk was the first in a month or more.  We walked about a mile and a half. The temperature is in the low 40's but there is a bright blue sky and nice sunshine.  The snow is quite bright in the sun but has melted in large spaces. The landscape is dotted like a Holstein cow.

There were some places where snow melt covers the roadbed with water but it is quite shallow.  We walked right through it.

The neighborhood is notably spotted with downed pine tree branches.  Strong winds, heavy wet snow and low temperatures combined to put big weight on branches and keep it there.  Many branches gave way under the strain. The branches lie on the ground around the trunks and look like the result of tree trimmers but it is just Nature at work.

Walking, good air, sunshine combine to put a smile on Lynn's face.  You can see her getting energy and spiritual lift from being outside and in motion.  Good for her husband, too.