Monday, March 4, 2019

Reading my own words

I have been writing something just about every day for nearly 11 years.  This writing today will make 3443 separate pieces I have written. They are all available at  Sometimes, people ask if I am going to write a book.  They usually consider a book a higher achievement than a short statement each day.  I started writing to promote meditation, a very valuable and inexpensive way to enrich one's life and to enjoy one's hours and experiences more that is typical.  Over time, the subject got too small and cramped and at the same time, many authors also wrote very well about meditation and mindfulness.

Meditation and being aware of one's inner and outer experiences pushed me to try to write about my life, my experiences and my thoughts.  Much current human experience is about thoughts, memories, dreams, fears and other things that reside only in the thought-a-sphere. Last I searched, I found the figure " one million" as the number of blogs on the internet.  Writing the way I do, with the aims I have, reminds me of what I have heard of the essays of Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592). I learned of the librarian living in London, Sarah Bakewell, and her book "How to Live or a Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer" (2010).  I found that his writing, and her views and comments on it, gave me something of a model and some encouragement.

I have many old notebooks and journals but I have not found them very interesting to look at or re-read.  The company Blog2Print tempted me to have them make a paper printed book of my blog posts and I did buy from them.  That book covers only the first few years since they couldn't make a book of all of the posts.

A friend wrote that she was reading her writing and found that she wanted to take some notes on what jumped off the page at her. She found the notion of taking notes on her own writing funny.  Today, I tried again to read from the paper book and I too wanted to jot down what struck me as clever or valuable or currently relevant, despite having been written 10 years ago.

The Kindle's ability to collect the highlights I have made from a book and send the file of them to my email is quite handy.  While trying to send a file of my blog into my Kindle, I found some good writing and some interesting subjects and ideas. The paper book and a file of the early blog both have tables on contents that list the titles of all of the posts inside.  The listing of titles can help uncover some good stuff. There is a listing of titles of the first few years here.  Looking through some of the titles, I saw "How to Torture a Wife".  I just read it aloud to Lynn and did not get attacked.