Saturday, March 9, 2019

8AM to 8PM

We were on the bus before 8 AM and rode to Madsion.  We toured the Capitol and had lunch at the Nitty Gritty.  We visited the Mustard Museum and toured the giant Epic software building.  It was a fun trip. When we got home, we went straight to Q Gallery on Main Street.  Tonight was a reception for the new show featuring the basketweaver Elise Thornton as well as other artists, such as Lynn Kirby, potter.

It is easy in some circles to hear that it is not the destination but the journey that matters.  A bus trip with Q-tips (people who have white hair, a universal sigh of being way past 21) is an excellent way to see the truth of that saying.  On an all-day bus trip through very snow-covered lands into a thriving, throbbing capital city, one can see and hear all the ins and outs of the elders.  Lively elders, motivated elders, probably not a typical crew but one of higher than average vitality, energy and curiosity. Older people know what life and death, fun and hardship, comedy and tragedy are about.  

Take a bus trip to anywhere with a group such as that for a jovial time, with laughter and sensitivity and understanding and interest in the whole world.