Monday, June 11, 2018

Limitations of the present moment

I hear that the past is already gone and the future is yet to come.  Some people recommend staying in the present moment. What is NOW? What is right in front of me right now?  Where am I right NOW?

I have tried taking refuge in the present and it is indeed good.  But I see that even the animals realize that they will be hungry and thirsty and sleepy soon.  What will I eat and drink at dinnertime today? Maybe I should get that turkey in the oven now.  Oops, forgot to begin thawing it a few days ago and it isn't ready for the oven. I will begin thawing it now and cook it in a few days.  We are out of bananas and milk and I will want some tomorrow morning. I had better go to the store now so I will be ready in the morning.

My taxes will be due in a few weeks.  Better put some money aside now to get ready to pay them later. Father's Day is coming.  What will I give Dad on that day?

Planning ahead is very human.  Sure, too much fascination with the future robs the present.  It is lovely outside right now and I would be wise to step outside now and enjoy the good weather while I have it.  Too much pride or longing for the past can also diminish the good I have right now while I have it.

It is true that we live in a land of craving.  Sharp minds backed by experience, wit and technology are hoping to start me craving a new car, a new lawnmover, a better washing machine, a new vacuum.  I need to learn to covet my neighbor's smartphone, my other neighbor's dog, my grandmother's cat, my daughter's bird, my grandson't fish. What is a life lived fishless?  It can be viewed as unAmerican not to crave, not to get a mortgage, not to want a 100 inch tv. Everyone's doing it. Do I want to laughed at, snickered at, smirked at? Sticks and stones can break my bones but laugh, snickers and smirks are very unpleasant, too.

I can see that craving can be overdone but I don't want to be too armored against desire, plans, hopes, goals.  Even though I am a male, I don't even want to be invunerable to emotions. I long for that woman, even though my wife says to stay away from her.  I desire success in my writing and I want to read all my books, twice or more. Got plenty of wants and craves.