Sunday, June 3, 2018

Suffering for fun and (heavenly) profit

I am not Catholic but I have heard of nuns suffering and advising others to "offer their suffering to God."  I do know that the Buddha is said to have established Four Noble Truths, the first of which is "Life is suffering".  I don't think that means that life is only suffering or always suffering but it does mean that to be alive is to suffer, maybe more deeply or frequently that you might choose.

I seem to be rather insensitive and I don't seem to suffer much.  However, "when the dog bites, when the bee stings", I quickly award myself higher status.  At times, however much a novice I am, I do suffer. So, I quickly pat myself on the back and perk up, earning as I am, credit and credit somewhere important, somewhere that matters.

I get an itch I can't reach or one that would be inappropriate to scratch.  Suffering! I am suffering! I lose a ten dollar bill. Clumsy, irritating but suffering!  Go, Sufferers! I am confident I am way down on the list of sufferers but I do take comfort in a rain-spoiled day, a sore shoulder, a failed recipe.  Those events keep my membership in the Suffering Fellows active.