Hot Button Words
Say you don't like me. You want to call me names. You could call me a froof but you would need to explain what a froof is. If linking me with froofism seems to get people to feel as you do and dislike me, then you can call some of my friends 'secret froofs' or closet froofs or wannabe froofs.
You and your friends can create messages, emails, texts, banners, balloons, songs, label buttons, hats and t-shirts that say "Like me." Meanwhile, you can tell that I want to supplant you, that I wish you ill, that I want to your place for myself, that I doubt you and dislike you. Once you explain my nastiness, weakness, badness, immaturity, you can print signs that say "Stop froofs" and "Down with froofs".
The poets and wordsmiths among your friends might advise you to get farther faster by finding words that already carry greater oomph and power than 'froof'. How about "communist" or "socialist"? Others may not know what a communist is, or usually stands for, or wants, but the right name can get you supporters when people don't like the sound of a word. You can do better without trying to explain, educate or persuade. Much like a Polish Catholic may be very different from a Nigerian Catholic, you are better off avoiding details and distinctions.
You keep in mind that bumper stickers and t-shirts won't hold much, especially if their message is printed in large letters. Two or three words is enough.
No froofs!
Froofs are over!
Froofs are dangerous
Froofs are not red, white and blue
Friends, not froofs
Even though there are no froofs, by now, you are probably against them.
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