I now have 3001 posts in my blog. The first post was made on March 29, 2008. Excel tells me that there have been 3540 days since then. 3001/3540 = .85 so there is an 85% chance that I will post on any given day. The figure 3001 includes some days when I posted more than one item, something very interesting from TED talks or such. I purposely hang up writing something when I am traveling so the number of posts will always be a bit short of the total number of elapsed days.
The main blog page is Anyone anywhere with an internet connection can visit that page, which includes a chronological listing of all the posts. There is also a search window that allows searching for particular words. I usually email a given post to about 130 people and to the blog page itself. The Google blogging service Blogger allows for various settings and one gives statistics on views of the main page from around the world. For instance, yesterday, one person in Canada, one in Morocco and one in Cambodia viewed the page. Over a week's time, France and Russia usually have the most viewers but those are mechanical figures and don't say anything about how useful or interesting viewers found the blog post at that time.
The company Blog2Print will copy a blog's posts and put them into a printed, paper book. I did that once but since then I have written too many posts for their software to handle. They have been advertising Christmas specials lately and their ads got me to thinking it would be fun to select a group, maybe 50 posts, that seem good in one way or another. I might have the selection made into a book but I might just put it on a web page or a specially made web site.
Just for fun, I used Excel to calculate the midpoint between the first day of posting and today. Turns out to be Feb. 1, 2013. So, I read that post. Pretty good stuff! If you had asked me if I had ever written about Still Island, I would have said I had never even heard of it.
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