Friday, September 15, 2017

New and overexciting

I suspect that I am especially susceptible to the lure of the new.  Tell me you have something new and exciting, regardless of what is is, whether I need it or not, understand it or not, I start to pant.  When can I get it?  Huh?  Huh?  Can I buy it?  Can I buy it now?  Huh?  Please?

Such a habit of nerves strikes me as childish and irrational.  I have plenty of stuff.  I have daily, even hourly, challenges of learning, re-learning, updating and forgetting.  What's with the romance of the new?

It is easy to find salutes to the new.  Innovation is touted as the new password, the must-have description of all that is good.  Radical as it may seem, I am beginning to suspect I need to turn away from novelty.  I want my vendors, my suppliers, my friends, my group, my tribe and all the other groups, tribes and orgs to HALT.  Take a moment to re-group.

Do not innovate.  Do not update.  Just keep doing the same old thing. But do it with pride, with accuracy, with pleasure.  Recognize the part you are playing in the drama of the world, the gifts you contribute to lives.  Let nature and time, let physics and unforeseen events like ooopsy errors happen as they will.  Just keep on pounding the beat of your life and if a wonderful new idea comes to mind, jot in down, file it away for some time later.

Don't modify the keyboard or the product.  Don't change the price or the speed of getting the product shipped.  Don't up the ante or add features.  Just continue on and on.  K?