Saturday, September 19, 2015

Good ones

What kind of books do I like?  Good ones.  That is the sort of movies, dishes, drinks, friends, etc. I like, too.  I called my blog Fear, Fun and Filoz because I thought fears get my attention, fun things get my attention and thinking about what to be afraid of and what to be happy about is the type of filozophy I like.  In a couple of weeks, I will talk to some friends about TED talks, Great Courses and YouTube, three excellent sources of good information presented in good formats by good presenters.  I called my web site "Kirbyvariety" because I knew I would want to use it to store all sorts of good stuff.

Who says it's good? Me.  How do I know it's good?  I feel it: eye-opening, comforting, surprising, confirming, haunting, memorable.  The algorithms for making further suggestions at Amazon and Netflix have tended in the past to repeat.  Oh, you like mysteries?  Here are 900 more for you. Especially after I have just read one or two, the last thing I want is more of what I just read. You wouldn't offer a guest who has just finished an excellent steak another steak.  For me at least, the sign of a good next choice is often some difference from the last choice. (As with many things these days, the algorithms are getting smarter and better.)

You see that switching to something new, temporarily or permanently, is a hallmark of what I do.  I previously inserted a link to my web site page (see below) about the sources mentioned above.  Another fine source of wide-ranging topics is the Internet Scout.  It is a free e-newsletter from the U of Wisconsin-Madison . Take a look.  It has many interesting internet sites listed - good ones.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety

Twitter: @olderkirby