Saturday, July 11, 2015

Life abounds

Wisconsin is not especially warm.  Most parts of it have pretty good rainfall.  We are right on the midpoint between the equator and the North Pole so the tilt of the earth gives us long days at this time of the year.  We see life everywhere just now.  Of course, in the famous DEAD of winter, we don't see as much but part of that is because we don't look in the right places.  Under the snow, volesImage result for vole

tunnels in the dead grass and lives on the roots.  Sure the voles are much more active during this season and we have holes under our shed to their living quarters.  We have a wren that has just moved into our birdhouse for bluebirds that the tree swallows just vacated.IMG_0342.JPG

Our grass and other plants are not as vigourous as the spiders everywhere and the bees and their relatives.  You can't see the yellow jackets in this picture but their nest is in the eaves right by the hookFrom Skitch.png

It was looking out at the vegetable bed that got me started on all this picture taking.  We like kale, very nutritious and satisfying.  We normally think of it as a sturdy self-sufficient plant that can stand up to difficulty but this year Lynn planted squash, much more powerful and vigorous:  From Skitch.jpg

The kale is circled and the squash is the nearer plant crowding out the kale and everything else.

I get it, I really do.  I am alive like the animals and plants around me.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety

Twitter: @olderkirby

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