Saturday, July 4, 2015

Birds gone

I have heard an old joke about Fay Wray falling into a depression after her adventure with the gorilla King Kong.  She complained that K.K. never wrote, never phoned.

Fast forward to today, a time of the book "Gone Girl", a story about a wife that just plain disappeared.  Where is she?  Did the husband do something to her?

We have suffered a similar problem.  Lynn and her friend erected a lovely bird house.  Right near that house, she also erected a bird feeder with several different sorts of feeders on it, featuring several different sorts of feed.  She is a potter/ceramicist and made a nice bird bath.  Even though I would not like doing it, the birds both bathe and drink the bird bath water.

The lovely bird house was intended for bluebirds but tree swallows took it over.  They were welcomed, they were admired.  We never asked them to pay rent.  True, they never once used our feeders, as far as we know, preferring to catch bugs out of the air.  But still, we hosted them in a supportive manner.

Two days ago, in the morning, Lynn saw one of the adults feeding the young.  Then, two hours later, gone!  All gone: no young, no adults, no nothing.  No note, no good-bye, no thanks-very-much.  A person could feel rejected, abandoned, unappreciated.  I am the husband and I swear I didn't do anything.  I don't know where they have gone or if they will ever think of us.  I am telling you, the sorts of manners you get from today's tree swallows!

I remember a few years back, some purple finches

Image result for purple finch took up residence on our front porch.  We thought it was cute until accidents happened and eggs fell and smashed on our porch.  We still have wooden block obstacles behind our porch light to prevent nests there.

If you see our tree swallows, please say "Hi" and tell them we wouldn't mind a postcard or an email.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety

Twitter: @olderkirby