Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Help for germs

Lynn has been sick.  She was diagnosed with influenza B but she is clearly on the mend.  Part of the reason is that we visited the hospital to see if she might have pneumonia.  Our son-in-law did and a granddaughter developed a sinus infection.  At the hospital, I asked the doctor how it could be that we all longed for warmth and spring but when it came, we get sickness.

She gave a simple and useful answer.  She said that when it gets warmer, everything peps up and grows, including germs and viruses.  I had never thought that the energy and light that warms and enlivens me also helps the germs in their own search for life and expansion.

We got some helpful medicine that stopped her deep coughing.  We were warned that it would last in her system for two days and make her "perky".  Late that night, she found out that "perky" is a nice way of saying "too keyed up to sleep".  However, it is now a couple of days later and she is sleeping well.  Her appetite is returning and she is clearly getting healthy again.

I watched a Great Course with Prof. Sean M. Carroll discussing dark matter and dark energy, the mysterious parts of the universe that assist in its constant expansion.  Carroll continually referred to heat as "energy" but sometimes used the two terms interchangeably.  Since most of the heat I am conscious of doesn't seem to do much beyond making us comfortable, I haven't thought of heat as energy very often.  However, the doctor's explanation and Prof. Carroll's emphasis, added to the bursting green plants all around us makes it clear that heat is energy, for the birds, the rabbits and the germs as well.

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