Saturday, April 18, 2015

side trip

One of us likes to have a trip.  It is uplifting and exciting to plan a trip, to pack for a trip, to take off by car or plane, to be somewhere different.  After a while, it is fun to remember that we have a home and we could go there.  Typically, our trip enthusiast side expresses a letdown when we turn around and start home.

Several women friends have pointed out that a woman in her home is in her office, her factory, her site of responsibility, of duties, of vigilance.  How are the food supplies?  How is the laundry and the clean clothes supply?  Whose birthday is coming up?  Have plans been made for a celebration?  For a gift?  What about the kids' music performances and their sports events? Add social and fraternal (sororitorial ??) obligations, planning duties and events and you have quite a whirlwind, designed to interfere with leisure, reading and general freedom.

We have a side trip planned to the small Wisconsin city of Lacrosse.  It is named after a bishop's staff, not the Native American/American sport.  It is the city where Lynn taught as a professor of education and library science after completing her PhD.  Back in 1988, we thought we would give ourselves a break and new surroundings after living in Stevens Point for about a quarter of a century.  Lacrosse is on the Mississippi and is set among beautiful hills and valleys.  It is nearly 4 times the size of Stevens Point.  After living there for a year, I returned full time to the University of Wisconsin in Point and Lynn decided that marriage apart was not satisfying and moved back after a year and a half.

I spent more than half of each week with Lynn in Lacrosse and we got to know the place a bit.  It is fun to revisit a place that was important in our lives and stir up the memories from there.

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