Thursday, April 16, 2015


"A new book by British writer Kazuo Ishiguro is a major literary event."

A British writer named Kazuo Ishiguro????  This line from "To The Best of Our Knowledge"website puts me in mind of my fictional hero, Jose McGoldberg.

We constantly hear that our world is changing.  It is, it always is.  However, it may be changing more completely, more deeply and faster than before.  Spencer Wells, a major force in the National Geographic's Genographic Project, wrote several years ago, that his project of tracking the movements of large groups of people using DNA analysis will become less possible in the future.  Individual people can now hop on a plane and quickly show up in a part of the world quite different from the usual locations of a person with their history, their culture and their DNA.

I have wanted to create a photo exhibit along the lines of the famous one called The Family of Man" but this one would feature people dressed in culturally typical clothing such as serapes, turbans, burqas, American business suits, cowboy clothes, etc.  However, each person would be a trick in a way since the woman in the burqa would be a South Carolina socialite, the man in the turban would be a Scottish bagpiper, etc.  All would look like we might expect, with skin color, eyes and hair consistent with the typical person so dressed but that person would be an example of the convulsive shaking our world of people is getting.


Normally, we would not expect there to be a person named Jose McGoldberg.  Jose is Latin American and Goldberg tends to be Jewish.  How could a Latin American Jewish person have acquired the "Mc" associated with Irish and Scottish names?  Of course, in today's world, a band of musicians or a product name could be created anew with the goal of catching attention.  But despite the shake-ups, the international travels, the commercial and other word inventions, it is surprising to read of a British writer named Kazuo Ishiguro.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety