Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Don't spoil my grumpy mood

Sometimes, I am reluctant to be happy.  You ever get like that?  

I get in a solidly bad mood and I am enjoying it, grousing and grumbling and growling with abandon, just like an old guy is supposed to, when suddenly some damned sunbeam breaks into things.  Smiles!  Delight! Joy!  Who needs it?  

I spend all that time developing a scintillating scowl, drooping the corners of my mouth nearly to my knees and I am supposed to put all that aside for something upbeat???  What kind of world is this when a tax-paying citizen, a solid upright sort, has to turn around and chuckle with delight?  Delight?  Delight?  I'll delight you!  

I have my favorite sources of bad news, good reliable negative interpretations of all the latest headlines and developments.  I shop online for the latest pathetic trivia, rotten deals and life-souring activities.  Just reading about them gives me a shot in the pessimum.  I play a dirge and then whistle a mournful tune.  I keep careful track of my inventory of pains, complaints and disappointments. I hoard them all with approving, gloating, miserly love.

I don't like being bullied by pep, undermined by optimism, interfered with by empathy.  Next time you see me scowling, stay out of my circle.  Try keeping your bright smile to yourself so I don't have to try to reconstruct my shattered grump from the broken shards.

You know, there is only so much pessimism to go around and if it gets wasted, then where will we be?  Just answer me that.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety