What does he DO all day, anyhow?
I read way back there are basically two theories of human behavior: they are great and need encouragement or they are untrustworthy and bear watching and maybe punishment. I recommend the former theory. W.E. Deming is the most prominent of the names associated with various efforts to make organizations run smoothly and processes such as manufacturing produce few flaws and errors. There are various titles and headings used for such subjects such as process control, quality circles and Deming methods.
Deming developed basic assumptions and one of them was that 94% of errors were due to the design of the system. That is, don't assume laziness, slovenly work habits, poor work ethics or innate sinfulness. Start instead with the assumption that people are basically great and need encouragement.
It may be that the general American public is getting smarter. I hope that the average adult citizen is getting more cautious about media reports and slants. But my experience today reminds me that many intelligent and hard-working adults seem to assume that other people don't work very hard and basically lead a life of inattention and slack. I don't know why they start from that. I am surprised at how many people seem to assume that the boss, the man or woman in charge, has an easy life. I guess it is natural that while I am driving a jackhammer and the foreman stands around watching that I conclude he has it easy while I don't.
I don't know much about Ayn Rand, the Russian-American woman who wrote The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. I do know that many philosophers have not found her attempts to write out a philosophy very impressive. I read Atlas Shrugged and found her basic appreciation of the burdens of leaders quite good. The basic assumption that I often run into, the leaders and authorities have an easy, slothful life at the expense of others does not seem born out. Today, I heard the dean of my old college explain his duties and activities and I must say I will continue to assume that most leaders have it fairly hard, that there is more to the life of most leaders than appears to the casual observer and that much of the hidden part is burdensome, scary, tiring, challenging or all of those.
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