Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thinking can be tough

Several friends confess that they are thinking these days.  Tough activity at times!  Is our country doing ok or getting worse?  As I age, am I getting closer to death and possibly hell after death, for my many sins?


You could put down such topics as worries, not as thinking or analysis.  If you aren't used to handling such questions, you may wonder at yourself.  Why now?  At my age, shouldn't I have answers by now?  Maybe.  But maybe you have more time now.  Maybe you have more insight.  It is definitely possible to develop more insight as you get older.  You simply know more and have experienced more so it is easier to see a little more broadly and a little farther.

You have more experience and are more aware of dangers and ways things can go wrong.  As a student, you may have had times when you wrestled with tough topics and never really felt as though you got a full understanding.  You may have thought you were finished with those days and it can come as a shock that here are some of the same old questions and you still don't have answers.  In fact, now that you know more and remember more and worry more, tough questions these days seem even tougher than they used to.

I personally find that it helps me to see how ignorant I am.  I don't know what goes on in my own body and truthfully, neither does anybody else. Oh, they can scan and do blood tests but nobody has complete knowledge.  Besides, they won't.  

It helps me to try to face what I think I know and what it seems I don't know.  I don't know what is happening in Washington, D.C. or even in my own little town.  Just as with monogamy, there is only one me.  I can't really concentrate on national politics and state politics and local politics.  I can't really study global warming and gun control and genetically modified plants as foods.  I have declining years and I will focus on a selection of activities and thoughts that meet my needs, hopes and desires.  Sometimes, I will be unable to focus.  I will experience intrusions.  A neighbor or a relative asks for help.  A pipe bursts or a crime gets committed. I will bear with the upsets and unexpected problems as best I can, looking for ways to return to what I care about and what I think I can handle.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety