Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Scrutiny today

Because of the time in history and the place we are living, the nature of scrutiny seems changed.  The change may just be in me.  I may have a more complete grasp of the difference between casual business, serious business and really serious business.  With casual business, you order a hamburger and fries and you get a hamburger and fries.  This tends to be what happens when you stop at Jim's Hamburgers and Fries at the outskirt of a small but comfortable town in an off hour, maybe after the lunch crowd has gone and before the high school crowd and the evening crowd begins.

You get into serious business when you order a hamburger and fries at McDonald's.  No experienced customer would stand at the order counter and ask for a hamburger and fries.  A garden burger?  A crispy burger?  Maybe a jalapeno burger?  Do you want lettuce and tomato?  How about the bun?  Want a bun?  Whole wheat?  Spicy bun?  Warm bun?  How about an oat bun?  Gluten free bun?  This is serious business but not really serious.

Really serious brings in science, several sciences, in fact.  Forensic, marketing, political, legal, financial, culinary sciences come in on the ground floor but we can go much higher.  Do you want gloves to protect your food from your hands and their germs?  Do you want organic food?  East coast organic, Mid-west or West coast organic?  Do you want priority service?  We can break into the service line and have your meal given a higher priority for a very low fee.  How about an insurance policy to protect you against loss, such as food stains on your nice clothes, being burned by overly hot foods, medical difficulty from food-borne germs?  Is this to go or to be eaten here?  Would you like paper or foam plates and cups?  Paper or re-useable napkins?

We can provide you with a memorable ordering experience but the actual food will take a while.  We take our ordering experience very seriously and try to provide you with a full set of options when you order.  Customer satisfaction is very important to us.  Can we ask you to fill out a short customer satisfaction survey for us?

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety