Friday, May 3, 2013

Your online life, permanent as a tattoo, your electronic estate

A friend of mine had trouble cleaning up his wife's business after she died because he lacked the logons and passwords into her accounts and services.  This subject is sometimes referred to as one's electronic estate.  It is much easier to terminate what should ended and continue on with what should be carried on if each of us has the information needed to handle our mate's electronic activities.  This is of course just as true for an unmarried or widowed person.

You hear a great deal about one's privacy these day and this TED talk relates to the subject of what might be called one's electronic "paper trail'.  All email must be backed up periodically for security purposes.  If an electronic or other accident were to occur, the backup can be used to send messages that are meant for people.  However, the electronic copies can be kept for a very long time.  Further, there may be no way of telling how many copies exist or where they are.  Beyond that, I can make copies of my stuff, email and other on my hard disk, which may then sit in the dark for years, to be re-posted to the internet, Facebook page, etc. much later.  I read recently that some European countries are working on having and maintaining a right to be forgotten, instead of being immortal as Juan Enriquez discusses in the 5 minute talk referred to below.  Personally, I am not too worried about this business but I may be too naive and optimistic.

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May 2, 2013

Today's TED Talk

Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo

05:57 minutes · Filmed Feb 2013 · Posted May 2013 · TED2013

What if Andy Warhol had it wrong, and instead of being famous for 15 minutes, we're only anonymous for that long? In this short talk, Juan Enriquez looks at the surprisingly permanent effects of digital sharing on our personal privacy. He shares insight from the ancient Greeks to help us deal with our new "digital tattoos."

Juan Enriquez thinks and writes about profound changes that genomics will bring in business, technology, and society. 

Watch now »

Quote of the Day


The job of the journalist [during Hurricane Sandy] was filtering. … Instead of going and finding the information and bringing it back to the reader, you were holding back the stuff that was potentially damaging."

Markham Nolan

Markham Nolan

Markham Nolan: How to separate fact and fiction online
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