Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fwd: 10 tech tips (you might be surprised you didn't know)

Quite a few readers of this blog mentioned enjoying John McWhorter's TED talk on texting being a new form of language.  I thought this one by David Pogue on tech tips that can make your use of technology easier.  The talk is only a bit more than 5 minutes and there may be a hint or two in what he says that helps you do what you want better or to start something.  There are many excellent TED talks but some are found through Google searching instead of the official TED site, such as Dr. Alan Wallace's helpful breathing demo and instruction for quickly relieving tension.  One of my favorites is Ernesto Sirolli.

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Date: Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 10:28 AM
Subject: 10 tech tips (you might be surprised you didn't know)

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This week on
April 27, 2013

David Pogue: 10 top time-saving tech tips

05:44 minutes · Filmed Feb 2013 · Posted Apr 2013 · TED2013

Tech columnist David Pogue shares 10 simple, clever tips for computer, web, smartphone and camera users. And yes, you may know a few of these already -- but there's probably at least one you don't.

Playlist of the week

Words, words, words
(9 TED Talks)

Verbs! Conjunctions! Dialects! 9 talks on the pwer of written and spoken language.  »

Total run time 2:11:52

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Quote of the Week


Talk about [the economy] like what it is: not an existential crisis, not some battle between two fundamentally different religious views, but a math problem, a really solvable math problem."

Adam Davidson
Adam Davidson: What we learned from teetering on the fiscal cliff

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" Huw Jarvis on
John McWhorter: Txtng is killing language. JK!!!
  Some very interesting and valid points here, but it is also worth remembering that many users (arguably the majority) are texting in English a second or foreign language as well as their first language – what do such users make of this? My recent research (Jarvis, 2012) has looked at how non-native speakers of English view texting and 52.4% of users (N=123) reported that they '… use a different type of English when social networking to that which they are taught' There was a widespread view that such Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) made English easier; a Thai Female said, '… it's very easy, don't have grammar … when I type grammar it's too complex' and an Emirati Male explained how he picks up such language: '… we practice on the internet, we learn from friend … we find it easy so we do it … it's better, it's easier it's shorter'. An Emirati Female elaborated on the ways that CMC is changing English '… by chatting they use a different language, a new one, like TYT [take your time] … and numbers like letters'. Comments such as these point to autonomous learners making intelligent decisions about the type of English language to use in an online social environment. I agree with John in that I see all this as essentially positive not negative for language pedagogy. For the full study see"
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