Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mood Tools

A friend finds February the most unpleasant month.  Growing up in Maryland and experiencing a Scout troop hike on Washington's birthday, a holiday from school, February and sometimes even January, were rather nice times.  Getting and giving Valentines in school and the Presidents birthdays made the oddly short February seem like a fine month.

However, in parts of the country with stronger, longer winters, I can see how Feb might be a drag.  The weather is cold and tough, for sure.  It may be fine for sledding, snowshoeing and skiing but it can take away the chance to drive safely, sometimes to drive at all.

Valentine's Day can be a sad reminder, an emphasis on heart dissatisfactions.  In Wisconsin, the month is clearly followed by another whole month of winter.  Often, the wettest heaviest snow by weight falls in March.  Something like Feb. 4 is the actual midpoint of the time from winter solstice to spring equinox.  

Feb is the shortest month and therefore may be a good one to dislike.  However, in the search for tools and attitudes that can cheer anyone up and brighten any winter blues, I have found two collections of writings and resources that may be of interest.  The web page on my own site is called "Mood Tools includes links to the two collections. I intend to add to the page from time to time and it may be of interest when facing upset, frustration, loneliness or other mindstorms.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety