Passion and calm
I am at an age where I work at accepting death. And yet, I am really passionate about those cupcakes! How can I contemplate a big step like exiting this form and at the same time, lust after a strawberry-mustard-tuna cupcake? As Tevya says somewhere in The Fiddler on the Roof: "I will tell you. I don't know."
There are many things in my life, my head, and around me that I don't understand. I see that just as my mind is an efficient idea-producing organ and some part of me is always getting hungry for something or other, I also see the value of calm acceptance. The front part of my brain gets all excited about a new iPad game like "Bring Me Sandwiches" and "Where's My Water?" while the back part sees that all of my life, your life, our lives, past lives, and future lives are one. They are all one fabric and at one with the birds, the bugs, the buds, and the Big Bang.
A excellent writer, blog author and online businesswoman I admire reports that passion is a good guide for her. She knows when she is ready to do something and cares enough to do a bang-up job of it. Some of us are so reflective that we think about doing something, and then think about our thinking and analyze whether we are right to be passionate. Maybe we are mistaken or have misplaced our passion.
I should organize a bus trip where the passionatas can stay a few days with the zen villagers and then play host for the zen people to stay with them. I read once that some Chinese, famously calm and accepting, admire Italians and passionate living. A calm walk through a quiet garden and a visit to a stock market pit where the sellers and buyers are screaming and yelling and desperately trying to get their puts and calls done might be helpful for both groups. Like sleep and exercise, like yogurt and chiles, we all benefit from a little hot and a little cool.
Yep, it's another durned balance thing. Like night and day, work and rest, we need to have some of each.
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