Thursday, February 9, 2012

Activities: what is there to do?

Mothers know that as summer vacation ends, there are often plaintive complaints that "there is nothing to do".  This complaint can be stated by someone who has not done his chores, has a bicycle and tons of games and amusements.  It could often be edited to say "I can't think of anything that I want to do".  

Senior citizens frequently state that they "are keeping busy."  Such a comment may be their first answer to "How are you doing?"  This comment arises so quickly and so often that it is easy to conclude that staying busy, being occupied with something, is the primary need for everyone.  It is a basic need, for sure, for all animals.  I wrote here about boredom before, just after I had heard on tv that zookeepers work to try to find activities or amusements for their captives to lessen boredom.

When my friend asked yesterday about our reaction to activities here, I thought of what seems like serious flight from any hint of inactivity. I feel that I would often rather suffer boredom than continue to engage in an activity that seems empty and repetitive.  I try to find activities that are meaningful.  Writing is one, reading is one, exercising is a third.  I usually read aloud for about an hour each day.  Good television is to be had by streaming movies from Netflix and Amazon. Roughly speaking, all of those activities are available in most of the US.  By the time, we share cooking and cleaning, grocery shopping and staying in touch through email, texts and phones, there isn't much time for specialized local activities.  There is a social night weekly and many other get-togethers, even though I don't play bridge or pinochle.

Because regular activities take so much time, I don't pay much attention to local attractions such as the nearby state parks, the world's largest penny, the mustard museum and glass-bottomed boats.  They do matter sometimes.  I am very glad we visited Ruby Beach in the state of Washington.  It does help my mood and the set of possibilities if there is plenty of sunshine and not too much wind or ice.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety