Thursday, January 19, 2012

George's sore throat

George had a sore throat .  He was sixty-seven at the time.  He was a pivotal figure in our country, being our first president.  He had already participated in many important historical events and the infection was not to be allowed to hurt the man.  His physicians knew that blood-letting was a fundamental treatment for nearly all diseases.  Washington asked to be bled heavily and he was, 1.7 liters of blood.  That is about 30% of his blood.  He died shortly after.

In the late 1800's and early 1900's, much better more effective approaches to treating infections were developed and blood-letting was stopped, even though it has been practiced for more than 2000 years in many parts of the world.  

Fast forward to this week's Time magazine.  It includes an article on the growing dissatisfaction with the federal law called No Child Left Behind.  I figured national unhappiness with the law would grow, in part because of the law's requirement that all children in all grades be at "grade level" by 2014.  I suspect that without murdering or deporting many children, such an achievement is impossible. Besides if we did achieve that situation, we might well come to conclude sometime, that we did more harm than good.

Most of the educators I know have been frustrated and annoyed by the law.  They feel it is too simplistic and too heavy-handed.  Which brings up the age-old split between the toughies and the softies.  The toughies generally feel that life is tough and we must all be tough to live life.  Chin up!  Shoulder to the wheel! No fear!  No weakness!  The softies generally feel that there is strength and ability in everyone but it is best nurtured by gentleness and love.  More caring!  More pleasantry!  Way more compliments and emphasis on strengths!

In today's world, it is easy to see that education, knowledge and skills are extremely valuable.  Americans tend to go up and down with emphasis on schooling, since we keep hearing that we aren't doing well but that we must if we want to live well.  I predict that by the year 3012, we will be clearer about how to educate well for both national and individual prosperity and happiness.  Maybe it won't happen until 4012, but it probably will someday.

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