Wednesday, December 28, 2011

No worries, Mate

A friend wrote advising me to think of the expected number of years of life I have left when deciding what to select to read and watch.  

Just a suggestion: Start thinking about coming to the end of your life - and your reading. THEN pick the books to which you wish to give your precious time......btw, I've found this works at any age, but becomes even more effective after 60. :)

Loving the gift of simplicity from imminent mortality  accepted.

This is sound and famous advice.  Be ready to die, accepting of death, in order to have a good life while you are still alive.  Too much time, fear and fascination spent on one's mortality can be a big waste of the energy and opportunities still left.

It is another one of those balancing things: too blasé an attitude toward staying alive and we could get careless around stoves, busy streets and such places where we need to stay alert.  But, too careful and cautious and we can't allow ourselves to get out of bed for fear of risks waiting to ambush us.  

I thought about it and realized that I do feel accepting of the end of life.  Why shouldn't I when quite few relatives and friends have already come to the end of their lives?  I've had some good examples.  I recently learned of The Book of Dead Philosophers by Simon Critchley, a collection of the views and statements about death of 100 or so famous philosophers.  Those I have read agree: be friends with one's mortality to greatly lessen worries and fears.  The end will be ok.  Remember Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's comment: "Dying is easy.  It's living that's hard."

However, if there is one thing I feel sure of, it is that I can't predict what will happen inside or outside of me.  I do have some ideas of trends and likelihoods but I can see there are always surprises.  I do try to be as clear-eyed as possible about what is currently facing me.  I can see that what seems best can become boring, that I need to stay open to changes and variety.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety