Sunday, May 29, 2011

Just fell apart

Imagine being a 71 year old man attending the 50th college reunion, and being told by a woman there that she had a small statue of the man himself in her house that she had made 50 years earlier.  That is what happened to me recently.  I did immediately recall the few times I had modeled for an art class.  

The modeling was done wearing wrestling tights.  It was tiring.  At one point, I wore wrestling head gear and the instructor attached cords from my head to various points around me.  The cords served as lines against which to judge angles and such.  They also made it very clear if I stirred a little and changed my position.  

It turns out that she made a small statue of the class model and used it as a book end for 5 decades.  Like me, it has aged and time has deteriorated it.  I am thankful that my real body has done a little better so far.  My head hasn't fallen off. My right foot and left forearm are still attached. 

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety