Thursday, January 6, 2011

Big trips and lesser ones

Ready to die?  Ready!  

All packed?  

We all know that death comes whenever, usually against our will and that we can't take our stuff with us.  Yet, when we go away for a week, we save money and trouble if we take some of our clothes, our toothbrush and our pajamas from home with us.  So do we need stuff or not?  Depends on the trip, the amount of time we have to prepare and what we estimate would be helpful.  We know that the packed suitcase will be untouched by the person after death.  Unlike some of the ancients, we don't drop a packed suitcase into the grave beside the coffin.  

As usual,  it is a question of balance.  We guess what we might be glad we packed and often we are right.  We may later regret not having our favorite mug with us.  But we can afford a substitute from the local store.

Ever see "Harold and Maude"?  If you haven't, do yourself a favor and find a copy of the movie.  It is not new but the local public library has a copy, I bet.  Maude is old but full of life, ready for everything.  Harold is young and confused, not sure what to do with life and the hours and energy he still has, not ready for anything. The album photo of the two of them says lots about our lives.  It is the first picture that comes up in this link.  

Many folks want to move from his state to hers.  Coaches and thinkers often advise that the shortest path from his mode to hers is acceptance of where he is, awareness of what he now is and what he now sees and feels.  Accept that things can get confusing and scary but that they change into wonderful and orderly.  Her gift to him is being who and what she is, packed for anything and ready.