Monday, December 27, 2010

trying to be enough

Here is a nice quote from "Hand Wash Cold", the Zen book by Karen Miller. has just enabled it and other ebooks to be given as gifts, whether or not the recipient has a Kindle.

I thought if I grew up, did my best, and made everyone proud of me, it would be enough. I thought if I got a good job, got a better job, made money, and then made even more money, it would be enough. I thought if I could lose ten pounds, get a better haircut, get the right jeans, then lose the same ten pounds, it would be enough. I thought if I could understand, explain, and express my feelings well enough, it would be enough. I thought if I wished, hoped, dared, or dreamed enough, then it would finally be enough. Then I thought: enough. I practice being enough. When I do that, everything is already enough, and this is the day I've been saving for.