Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The 2010 Blogisattvas

A bodhisattva is a Buddhist saint, advanced practitioner or enlightened being.  A BLOGisattva is a blog noted as an especially well-written and inspiring one that relates to some aspect of Buddhist thinking, living or activity.  The latest estimate I have seen is that there are currently 100 million blogs.  They are more or less like newspaper or magazine columns with a given focus, often authored by a single writer, as this "Fear, Fun and Filoz" blog.  This column or writing space is fun for me to use to make comments or observations.

The blogspot area of Google's computers enables me to post my blog for free on the world wide web.  Their Blogger service includes all the tools for creating and posting to a blog. 

I have long thought that daily practice of meditation and deep relaxation makes life easier and richer.  It is quick, very inexpensive and valuable both for better self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-compassion and also for body awareness and health.  The practice of sitting quietly and still, in the lotus position or just sitting in a chair with minimum or no movement, keeping the mind as empty as possible, ceasing thoughts as they emerge is an old one and is practiced in one form or another in virtually all spiritual traditions in the world.  Probably no group has made such a simple, valuable but somewhat demanding practice more central to regular practice than the Buddhists. 

I respect and enjoy writing and talks by those interested in applying the practice of clear thinking about the realities of human life and thought.  I have gained a great deal of insight and peace from the writings of Thich Nhat Hanh, Jack Kornfield, Herbert Benson, Sylvia Boorstein, Eckhart Tolle and many others.  The Blogisattva blogs are selected for excellence in writing.  I only discovered they exist today and I have not read them.  However, I admire the writers and the selectors and the work that attempts to discover and make known such resources.  I plan to get familiar with the blogs over the coming months.

Here are the 2010 Blogisattva "winners".  http://www.blogisattva.org/2010/12/2010-blogisattva-award-winners.html