Tuesday, June 29, 2010

burdens of freedom

Responses from excellent people to Retire from Retirement (All but one are retired now)
Thought you might like to see these comments on the pleasures and pressures of being retired and deciding over and over what to do with life.

This is exactly what worries me about retirement.  You should send this to AARP.

**Ha! That's exactly it!! It just doesn't feel good to have to make so many discriminations about what to do, when to do it, and who to do it with! Gad.

Very well said!  Sometimes I think I would like to go back to work just to get a vacation day.  Aren't we lucky?  I love the fact that we can just do things on the spur of the moment.


To help you keep track of what day it is when you wake up,  just count the days since the last FAT paper came and then you will know what day it is.  Hope this helps keep you in retirement.


Great timing on this one.  I received an email from a friend this morning who is entering his last week of work before retiring and is a bit apprehensive.  I forwarded your thoughts to him because we have had the exact conversation.


Are you serious about finding a job in retirement?  I know exactly what you mean about the freedom of choice and the demanding schedule of retirement.  Sometimes I have myself so booked up with activities that I have planned to fill my time that I think how relaxing it would be to go to one place and work all day.  As you probably remember, I have found retirement a challenge.  We are so used to all our time occupied that we think we have to do that in retirement also.  I do enjoy my part time job, but I have cut back on my volunteer activities and all those presentations, concerts, etc. that I used to fill my time.  I have been writing some and have joined Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets which I find a very interesting group.  And I am trying to schedule more "downtime" into my day.

I doubt you are serious about  returning to work, but it is good sometimes to know that other retirees experience some of the same challenges with their schedules.


Right on! Not my choice, but caring for my hubby is a full time job with time checks throughout the day. I find that I'm slower transitioning from one task to the other.