basics for a kissing merit badge
My great grandson is getting older and more sophisticated. At age 9, he is on the edge of being manly and reluctant to get a kiss from me. He has been in Cub Scouts for a while and is learning about awards, ranks, achievements and badges.
I asked him if he had earned the kissing merit badge. He said no and that he doubted there was such a thing as a kissing merit badge. I am pretty sure that Scouts can construct a badge specifically for a given purpose if supervised by an adult, such as me. In the interests of furthering knowledge, skills and insights for boys and girls too, of course, I am giving here what might be a skeleton outline of the requirements for a kissing merit badge.
Discuss theory and demonstrate good practice of kissing in the following areas:
Preparation for kissing
Deciding who to kissReacting to an offer of a kiss from anotherBeing physically attractive with good breath, etcHow to stand or sit for kissing
Types of kisses
Kissing your motherKissing your fatherKissing other adult family membersKissing someone's hand or ringKissing someone's cheekAir-kissing in the vicinity of another personKissing a dog or catThrowing kisses
Performing a kissKissing standingKissing sittingKissing lying downKissing in motion as on bicycles or horsesKissing with bracesPausing before fully engagingEye contact before, during and after a kissPosition of the hands during kissesPosition of the lips, teeth, jaw, tongue, and neck during kisses
Behavior post-kissEmbarrassmentReacting to one's own displeasure or disgustReacting to arousalCommenting on the quality of a kiss to a kissing partner
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