Wednesday, March 24, 2010

1 year of blogging

On this day a year ago, I posted a short statement that I would try a new approach on this blog.  I did.  I have tried to make a post a day since then.  I have not been entirely successful but I have 334 posts for the past year, more than 90% as many as there were days.  Until recently, I figured that making a post each day of vacation would be too much trouble or divert me from the beach to the keyboard.  I have found that doesn't happen.

I realize that many blogs are posted infrequently and irregularly.  I think that is totally fine.  None of us needs many more comments or news in our lives.  I titled my blog "Fear, Fun and Filoz" to try to imply basics like what I fear, what fun I have or want to have, and what I think of it all - philosophy or "filoz" for short.

I have long thought that I am imaginative and I enjoy picturing things in my mind.  I thought I wanted to be free to write  anything that came to mind but I wanted the posts to be short and interesting.  I am not the sort of person to merely fear or have fun.  I need to think, reflect, philosophize, analyze, compare, etc.  As Socrates is reported to have said, "the unexamined life is not worth living".  My sentiments exactly, except for me, an unexamined life is probably out of my reach.  I may be a bit of a compulsive thinker and questionner.  I have often thought that if I needed a brand or logo, I would try to use the question mark.

My first blog post was in the middle of 2006 and was about William Blake, who may have been unusual but was certainly able to write inspirationally and draw memorably.  On March 29, a year ago, I posted that I was trying to return to blogging.  Many of my earliest posts were about mediation ideas and an early post on this blog is a summary of those ideas.  As time went on, I found I wanted some sort of response sometime from somebody.  Looking into Google's blog settings, I found that I could email the blog posts to others, which would not require them to find my blog.  Then, I found that Google would only allow me 10 email addresses to do that but that I could email any number and include a special email address that would post the message on the blog web page.  That has been the best arrangement so far.