Our leader is a peppy woman with knowledge and dignity. So, I was surprised when she got our attention after a break with an ear-splitting whistle. You wouldn't think a nice girl like her would know how to whistle like that.
It's another failure reminder. Durn it, I want to whistle like that. There are basically two ways: using fingers and no fingers. I have read books and web pages and I have tried often. I have re-read instructions and practiced when driving alone. I can't make any good whistle. I sure hope I don't expire before reaching my goal of having a really loud whistle. I don't really need one but I want it, still.
It is similar to my other sound problem: trilling my r's. Good Spanish speakers and opera singers can make that initial r at the beginning of "rope" into "rrrrrrrrrrrope". Lynn can make that sound all day if she wants to. Again, I try and try but nothing. I am afraid I am going to be scorned in Sicily and ridiculed in Rome but to same my soul, I can't make that sound. Lynn says I have to relax my tongue. I have it relaxed enough to slobber but still nothing Latin comes out.
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