Friday, January 22, 2010

young can be fun

We are over 70 years old, which technically means that we are into our 8th decade.  So, you might think we enjoy being around older people, say those over 60.  You would be right.  We do.  But we also enjoy being around 1 year olds, 2 year olds, 9 year olds and those in their 20's and 30's. 

In Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, there is a college or two so there are young people.  We have eaten at an Italian restaurant downtown but there were few customers and there seems to be little spirit.  Our favorite eatery in the twin towns is Swingers, actually the restaurant at the golf club.  The name tells you it wants to be an upbeat place and it is.  Not only is the menu imaginative and the cooking excellent but the place has energy.  Most of the staff is young, with all that implies in energy and freshness.