Sunday, August 23, 2009

Red yeast rice

I went to the store but they were out of red yeast rice.  Even the name is hard to remember.  What is it again?  Rice on which red yeast is grown so it is called “red-yeast rice”.  What good is it?  Given the blood and health profiles that my wife and I have, our doctor recommended the traditional dose.  That’s two capsules with dinner. 
The dietary supplement seems to be a mild form of chemicals that act in the body like a weak Lipitor, keeping the cardiac system healthy.  Since it is a weak, more natural form, it takes as much as a year to develop full results but it has given both of us good results for several years now. 
It is not real cheap but ok.  The other day, we were getting low and I went to the store and they were out again.  I asked the pharmacist about it and she directed me to a woman who stocks the shelves.  That person told me she can’t keep the product on the shelf.  I checked a couple more days and still out.  I went to the other pharmacies and they had some but were nearly out of it on the shelf. 
I ordered some by mail.  When something gets popular, it can be difficult to obtain.  My physician has many patients and he probably directs all of the older ones to try red yeast rice.  He explained that most foods and related items either stress the liver or the kidneys, both vital organs, of course.  So far, so good for us.  Check with your favorite doc to see if red yeast rice might be helpful for you.
Of course, as Woody Allen said,” I want to live forever.  So far, so good.”