About two weeks ago, I wore my moccasins for quite a bit more time than I usually do. Near the end of that time, my right foot got very sore on the bottom. Yesterday, I wore them to the Y for swimming since they are quick to put on and off. I wore them around town for errands. By the end of the day, my left foot and ankle were very sore. This morning, I have it bandaged and have been icing it. But I have difficulty getting to the computer and sitting naturally for very long.
Last evening, Lynn had a root canal operation that was long and complex. Later, while my sore ankle and I read to her aloud, she accidentally gave herself a small cut in the end of her finger. The little devil would simply not stop bleeding. She used pressure and waited but no luck. We went to the emergency room and it took an hour and a half and a couple of stitches to get the bleeding to stop.
In a matter of a couple of hours, we went from two healthies to two invalids. So we might not have normal communication and activities for a while.
On a separate but valuable subject, I wanted to mention
Pre-Paid Legal. A member of my summer Quaker workshop sold the service but was not licensed in my state. I found a link at the site above and joined. I plan to pay about $36 a month for continuous lawyer availability, much like health insurance. I know that health insurance in our country is in turmoil and maybe some day insurance for legal matters will be, also. The basic fee is $25 a month but I added $10 for identity protection. A lawyer told me yesterday that identity theft is a large and growing crime that is often unrelated to credit or credit ratings. A big thing is medical identity theft where someone manages to get treatment and get the bill on your account. Hassles, arguments and difficulties can accumulate in getting things straightened out.
When I first got the service, Lynn questioned its value. I have still not used it so I am not experienced with the level of service I would actually get. The
story of the company is that a 1969 car accident caused the founder lots of legal expenses and worry. He decided to look into European practices of small advanced billing to cover large legal expenses in the way his medical and car insurance worked. The booklet that comes with membership says that now that you have a lawyer, make use of that fact. I think it takes a lower middle-class guy like me to begin to recognize where a lawyer might help with everyday operations and plans. The lower middle class level of my family of origin meant there was not a lot of extra cash so one avoided lawyers if possible. I have done that and I will continue. Still, suing and pulling legal tricks and throwing legal weight around are common these days and something like this might be helpful.
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