Some computer programs worth looking at
The primary one is Firefox by the Mozilla Foundation. Firefox is a browser, the same sort of program that Internet Explorer (the blue e) is. It is the program that enable you to browse the internet. It is free and quick and easy to configure so that cookies are deleted upon closing the program. Fewer cookies means fewer databases with your name to use to email or mail you stuff.
I don't know enough about computers to know why some cookies are not deleted but cookies, especially "tracking cookies", are the "spyware" that can be used to record where you browse and send the information to companies that sell it to those who hope to sell you things. Both of the other programs I am mentioning can detect tracking cookies. The one that specializes in doing so is "Ad-Aware". It, like Firefox, is free, although the maker has more complete versions that can be purchased. My favorite computer guru recommended Ad-Aware a couple of years ago and we have been running in on our computers ever since.
Viruses, trojans and worms are all forms of "mal-ware", are actually are built to try and harm your computer or its files. The same advisor who recommended Ad-Aware told us about AVG. It too comes in a free form and has been used on our machines for a couple of years. With the anti-virus AVG (which also finds tracking cookies) and Ad-Aware and Firefox, we have had pretty good run of our computers with minimal trouble.
On two of our machines (right now, we two have 5), I have used "Speed Up My PC" and I guess it has helped find and delete extra stuff I don't need. However, I have been reluctant to buy it for Lynn since they have been so pesky about emails on their other products. I am trying to avoid having her be bothered. But I have also started using Outlook rules more. They help to delete some pesky stuff upon arrival.
All of this is about Windows machines. I have heard Macs have less security and spam problems. I used to use Apple products exclusively but our campus used Windows much more and there is a large user base of Windows. I think Windows products are a little less expensive, too. We have three laptops and the oldest weighs the most and is the slowest at loading and working. Three laptops for two people is a bit much and I started thinking about giving the oldest away. But I have heard about Linux operating systems, an open source and free alternative to both Microsoft and Apple. Last Saturday afternoon, I found, downloaded and installed a Linux operating system from Ubuntu . There may be better sources but I don't know about them. So far, my "old" laptop seems rejuvenated and faster but it might be wishful thinking on my part.
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