Friday, July 29, 2022

Recognizing beauty

Several things combined: excellent weather, Deb Dana's "Anchored", wonderful conversation between two women potters.  Plus good spirits expressed by walking companions and happy words spoken.  

Lately, I have been looking over my highlights from Chade-Meng Tan's book, "Joy on Demand".  He means by the title habits and procedures to enable feeling joyous whenever that feeling is desired.  Here is a link to my highlights from the book:

This morning, my friends were particularly happy and upbeat and it is easy for me to get elevated when they are like that. It can be difficult for a younger person to grasp what it means to an older person when a younger shows automatic behavior reminiscent of many a move the elder has made.

I used to work with computers and programming and I still do, every day.  So, in the age of artificial intelligence and machine learning, when I listen to a serious conversation between two artists, I can appreciate the beautiful timing and shape of that talk.  Suggestions delivered just so, opinions that match and opinions that contrast - humans have an ability to transmit affection and respect in so many ways and so cleverly and so delicately that they tend to challenge our best efforts to duplicate them.

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