Tuesday, August 17, 2021


It may just be my generation of people born where I was, but until I read and heard about strenuous objection to Covid vaccination, I had not heard of anti-vaxxers of any kind. Growing up, I got vaccinations against smallpox, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough.  I missed many days of kindergarten because of childhood diseases.  I had mumps, measles, chicken pox and scarlet fever.  Decades later, I got a vaccine against polio, a disease I feared all the years of growing up.  At age 60, I got a vaccine against shingles.  

Of all the diseases I have named, I think the most serious one I developed was scarlet fever.  

The first vaccine was developed against smallpox. Google says that worldwide about 300 million people have died of smallpox since 1900.  The first smallpox vaccination was given in 1796 after Edward Jenner noticed that when milkmaids developed cowpox, they didn't get smallpox.  Smallpox is sometimes cited as a serious disease that has been successfully obliterated in populations.  I think some scientific samples have been kept.  

I figured that such an odd thing as having a physician or nurse inject something into the body was not completely accepted in the 1700's.  From what I have seen, there are always those who shy away, refuse or see evil or ill will with the idea.  Take a look:
