Men discuss boyhood
The big event for me today was the men's book club discussion of Bill Bryson's "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid." Depending on your taste, it may be the funniest Bryson book and that is saying something. The men discussing the book were of a certain age and are all wise and knowledgeable beyond their considerable age. They are also good-humored and seasoned talkers. They have dealt with speaking and presentations all their lives.
Some place C.S. Lewis says that one of the most beautiful sounds there is is the sound of a group of men laughing. There is plenty of that sound when a witty book helps men remember, reflect and relate experiences and memories. Everyone present knows that his experiences are shared by others but the views and the takeaways are personal, unique. It was interesting how many of the 8 guys had brothers who misbehaved more than the men present.
It is well-known that older people have more trouble remembering some things than younger people but these men remember tv shows that mattered and cowboy movie stars and their sweethearts better than they remember what happened two days ago. Bill Bryson relates working hard at obtaining beer and cigarettes at a young age but little of the discussion today related to similar efforts by those present. I was given a chance to taste beer and wine about age 6 and many times after that age. Neither seemed as good as a glass of cold milk or a soda that Bryson mentions, a Nehi soda. Colas were ok for me back then but highly carbonated drinks hurt my nose and a Nehi orange soda was gentle and pleasant.
My paternal grandmother died before I was born so I never knew her. My mother's mother was an important jewel in my life but she was probably the steadiest smoker I ever knew. I never wanted to wear a dress and cigarettes seemed equally something of hers, not mine. Once she asked me if I wanted to take a puff of her cigarette. I was about ten years old and was intrigued by the invitation, despite having no attraction to smoking. She told me to take a strong inhalation from the ciggie and I did. It did not make me cough or hack but it gave me no pleasure either.
I have been a lackluster candidate for crime and misbehavior. There were a few minor incidents. Ask my sister for more information. A large part of my misadventures were stupidity, not daring. Arriving at the shoe repair shop with only one of the pair of shoes with no explanation and never finding the missing shoe might have been my most amazing achievement.
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