Friday, April 30, 2021

"Jesus must have been a saint"

"Jesus must have been a saint" is a line from Marie Howe's poem "The Star Market".  Wandering through a marketplace, there are several unattractive people there that our wanderer shrinks from, even though they are "the people that Jesus loved."  Every now and then, I find a line that really gets me.  I suspect that most people would not even think that line, much less write it.

I think Jesus tried to say "Be kind" but one thing led to another and by typical standards, things did not work out well.  A couple of hundred years later, people were still thinking and talking and writing about him and what he did and the examples he set.  A couple of thousand years later, we have the Roman Catholic Church and its set of saints.  So, in a sense, Jesus was before his time but in another, He was the Saint of saints.