Opposites and tricks
I read the words "male subjugation". I am confident that the author was thinking of various methods and habits BY men to keep women down socially and politically. I thought the words "male subjugation" might refer to women keeping men down. I looked up "male subjugation" in Google and the first page of results included a note that said the software had 8 million results for that term but I know from experience that many of the results will be only distantly related to the search terms. Every item on the first two pages of results was about women being put down, ignored, deprived of rights or education or recognition.
Depending on what "male subjugation" turns out to mean in both thought and deed, I can be interested in the subject. It is clear that in nearly all societies, men have political, family, artistic and other kinds of top billing. I know of the book by Ashley Montagu called "The Natural Superiority of Women" (1953). There is also the more recent book by the Israeli scientist Sharon Moalem, a man with both MD and PhD degrees called "The Better Half: On the Genetic Superiority of Women"(2020). Since men seek women, pursue women, want women, die for women, give their lives to women and are created by women's bodies, I wonder about the relative value of the sexes to themselves, to each other and to all humans.
I enjoy the PBS program "Miss Scarlett and the Duke" about a woman detective in Victorian England. Every time she turns around, some man is saying to her "But you are a woman!" Even bugs me after a while.
I like to keep my eye on traditional choices since I suspect down may be up and the opposite may be correct, at least sometimes. My hearing aids recently had a checkup. Ever since then, they have been hard to use. I suspected the tubes that lead sound to my eardrums were too short. I called the experts who help me with my hearing. The audiologist took one look at my hearing aids and said,"I think your tubes are too long". Opposite!
We have a little orchid among our house plants. It was all droopy. I said to Lynn it looked like the poor thing needed a drink of water. She said it was all droopy because it has been watered too much. Opposite!
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