Computer instead of a phone
I am urging people to arrange to use a computer for emails to friends. I realize that email is old-fashioned among many people. However, if you have a group of people you want to communicate with, email can be good. My wife has an email account that is not Gmail and she finds that it is inferior in several ways to Gmail.
I am a poor typist but I am better and more comfortable using a separate keyboard and both hands at the same time than using the keyboard on my iPhone. The phone keyboard has smaller keys and they are closer together, arranging for me to strike the wrong key or two keys. The Gmail interface enables me to delete all my email messages but I feel too cautious to do that.
The Gmail interface in Windows makes it easy and quick to reduce my account to 500 emails. About once a month, the total is about 1000 but I can quickly and easily load the oldest emails and delete them 100 at a time.
The spell/grammar checker on Gmail is clearly the best I have ever used. It corrects wording, too. I often type "that" where I want "than" and the spell/grammar checker finds those cases instantly.
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