Computers and AI
My friend is a professor of philosophy and religious studies. He sent a link to the other three members of our discussion group leading to an article published in the British newspaper The Guardian explaining that a Catholic church in Lucerne, Switzerland installed the necessary equipment in a confession booth so that people could perform confession with Artificial Intelligence hardware and software instead of a live priest. I imagine you have seen articles about Artificial Intelligence. I haven't consciously tried using any Artificial Intelligence but I imagine it is doing some good and will continue to improve.
My life has been strongly influenced by computers. I read a Reader's Digest article about computers while I was still teaching 5th grade. When I began graduate school, our professor introduced us to Fortran, a computer "language" for doing calculations. We did a project with Fortran, which took us a couple of years to complete. When I started teaching in grad school, my experience attracted some attention. Campus authorities offered me the job of director of academic computing. I served in that job for a short time while they found a man who was willing to take the job on fulltime. In 1984, we bought our first home computer and I began teaching an introductory course for education undergrads and grads.
Lynn got her PhD in educational computing and was given awards for her design and creation of something new called "web pages"
So far, I haven't dived into AI but I imagine it is coming. I have found that Google and other "search engines" that show related searches that other humans used provokes thoughts and new angles in my mind. I am impressed by the stimulation and new thinking that comes from suggestions and related questions that others have used.
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