More irregularities in me
About a year ago, I felt odd at the end of a morning walk. I was upright but I just felt like it would be "nice" to just fall forward. I let myself do that, but it was not a good idea for my face. I struck the ground and marked up my nose. I wasn't hurt otherwise and I saw a nurse practitioner about the event. She gave me an EKG and said I was unchanged from my last one. She asked me about my hydration and advised me to try for 50 ounces of water a day. I have been interested in hydration since my college days and have heard that "8 oz 8 times a day" is too much for many people. I found the book "Quench" by a woman MD and a second author who created the Hydration Foundation.
When my wife and I walk the neighborhood, I find that I can hustle and keep up with her but that it is a bit uncomfortable. We have found that my comfortable walking pace has slowed. I can tell that my walking has included more "staggering" and "lurching" than it used to. I can focus on my walking and manage, for now, but I understand that my walking motions are part of my unconscious mental processes. The book "Incognito" by David Eagleman gave me a useful picture of my own unconscious processes such as breathing and posture.
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